“Patient compliance was significantly higher compared to the standard very heavy bandaging technique, and the product was much liked by our patients!”
- Vascular surgeon and clinic owner, Savona, Italy
How it works

Our products

Lundatex® Stocking provides safe, comfortable pressure at all times, whether at rest or when active, regardless of leg size/shape. It is easy to put on and ensures a precise pressure even after oedema reduction.

PressLock® is a new fastening device which ensures a reliable and skin-friendly closure of the bandage end. The product is made of a hook-and-loop material and is reusable.

Internationally awarded innovations

The art of
vein therapy

IVA’s 100 list: “Technology in the service of humanity”
Journal of Wound Care Awards: "Most Innovative Dressing or Device"
Journal of Wound Care Awards: "Most Innovative Product"
WTiN Future Textile Awards: "Best Innovation - Medical Textiles"
WTiN Future Textile Awards:"Best Product – Medical Textiles"
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